Our Mission

With a spirit of excellence, we are committed to inspiring all we come in contact with to reach the greatness inside of themselves, regardless of race, religion, or financial background.

Afterschool begins Sept. 25th

  • Pre-school

    It’s a proven fact that children who attend preschool do better in school in later years. Our desire is to create a fun and effective learning environment so that children will want to learn. There’s nothing better for a child than to be with people who are loving, caring, and God-fearing.

  • Academy

    The Academy is currently accepting students in grades kindergarten through second grade. Please contact us for information about registering your child. It is our desire to offer second-grade in September 2022.

  • After-School

    Our afterschool program is one of the best offered in the city of Chicago. Children are offered a number of opportunities to engage in music, arts and crafts, dancing, sports, and homework help. Occasionally we have the opportunity to offer Spanish as a second language classes as well.

Upcoming events